Sunday, January 23, 2011

Wasses Hot Dogs ~ Rockland, Maine

Our field trip yesterday took us north to Rockland, Maine the home of Wasses Hot Dogs. When we arrived at about 3:00, we were the only people there. Unfortunately for us several customers stopped within minutes. I say unfortunately because I was hoping to have more time to quiz the Wasses people about some of their products.

Anyway, The Hot Dog King gave me his order while he snapped photos. For The HDK it was a dog with mustard and onions (sauteed). I asked one of the Wasses people what their famous dog was. She replied, "a dog with mustard, relish and onions." The other person in the kitchen quickly blurted out, "that's not my favorite, my favorite is bacon, mustard, onions and hot relish." I couldn't resist and that's what I ordered.

Since we had already eaten lunch (at the famous Moody Diner), Hot Diggity and Double Dog Dennis remained in the car while we dined. Well, not so much dined as wolfed down. You see, the temperature was about 10 degrees outside and I wasn't looking forward to wearing this delicious snack so eating in the car wasn't a good option.

The Hot Dog King said his dog was fantastic. As you can see from the photo, both dogs looked amazing. (click on the photo and it should give you a larger view) If you're not hungry after looking at these dogs, what are you doing reading my blog?

My hot dog was excellent. I do have just a couple of critiques, but don't let them distract from the fact that it was a really awesome hot dog. The only two things I would, as many of you know, I don't like the soggy steamed buns. Please, take a minute and toast them. And two, the nacho style cheese on top is not a favorite. To me this cheese is neither good nor bad. It has so little flavor that I can't say it distracted from the overall taste of the dog, but a more flavorful cheese would have been spectacular. Having said that I come back to the fact that the dog was excellent, it was grilled to perfection and the other toppings were just right.

The addition of a couple of Chocolate Milks was a nice touch to wash it all down. The Hot Dog King thinks we should add Chocolate Milk to the Yank's Franks menu. You see, this research does pay off.

Now I can't wait for our next trip to Rockland.

Frankly, Yank's Franks has the BEST field trips!

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