Friday, July 13, 2012

National Hot Dog Month...

...and The Hot Dog Man is traveling New England and stopping at a different hot dog joint each day. The question remains, did he pick July because it means 31 hot dogs (instead of getting gypped with a tiny month like February) or is it really because July is National Hot Dog Month?
It doesn't matter because he is on the move and day 12 (July 12th) he stopped at Yank's Franks.

Last year The Hot Dog Man chowed down on a Yank's Frank. This year, at the suggestion of Hot Diggity, he tried the Wells Beach Dog. He has a new favorite. I think it was the Applewood-Smoked Bacon that got him.

Frankly, It Was Great To See The Hot Dog Man (and Drew, the videographer)!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Keep A Look Out For The Traveling Yank's Frank

The Traveling Yank's Frank made his debut today at Drakes Island Beach. He handed out coupons to hot dog lovers of every age.
Even our Traveling Yank's Frank gets hungry. When he does, you know where he eats...Yank's Franks!

Notice the Relish Green shorts and special kudos for the Mustard Yellow sneakers.

Frankly, does anyone know of a better Traveling Hot Dog? No chance!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Yank's Franks Gets A New Look!

This morning we were so happy to add this banner to the front of Yank's Franks.

Once again, thanks everyone for your votes!!!

Frankly, I Really Like The New Banner!

Pink's Hot Dogs, Another Item on My Bucket List

We have never been to Pink's Hot Dogs, but it is another item that needs to be checked off my "bucket list."

A friend sent Yank's Franks this photo and offered to send more. I declined and instead suggected sending a chili dog. I expect to receive it early next week.

Pink's is in Hollywood and has been for over 70 years. Many of you may have heard of them as they recently became the subject of an often run commercial about Bank of America. Good going B of A, there is nothing better than hot dogs to make us forget that you were a huge part of bringing the world economy to its knees.

Pink's has the reputation of being the hot dog stand to the stars. That's an awesome distinction, but Yank's Franks is hard at work to replace them as the hot dog stand to the stars.

Frankly, All Yank's Franks Customers Are Stars!

So there you go Pink's. Maybe we'll see you next winter.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Yank's Franks Wins Best Hot Dog

Great news for Yank's Franks! Check out the piece that was run on NECN this morning.

Thanks to all who voted for Yank's Franks.

Frankly, Yank's Franks has the BEST customers and the BEST friends!!!
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